2021 October 31 4 min read

What causes our cholesterol to be high and what can we do to reduce it even without the help of drugs? Let's see. High cholesterol levels are most often caused by an unhealthy diet, a stressful and sedentary lifestyle. That's why we've collected a few foods that can help you if you have high cholesterol or if you'd just like to prevent it from developing. Fortunately, there are many natural foods that help reduce harmful LDL cholesterol or increase the level of beneficial HDL cholesterol in the body.

Let's see what these miracle foods are!


We all know the old saying that an apple a day keeps the doctors away. It's a bit of a trite saying, but this simple but ordinary fruit has some important properties that are really impressive for the health of our body.

Apples contain a lot of soluble fiber and pectin. The fiber absorbs several times its weight in water, swells and forms a jelly-like substance in the intestine. While the jelly is forming, it binds the cholesterol in the intestine, traps it, and transports it through the intestines. This cholesterol does not come from food: it is released by the liver during digestion and later reabsorbed. If, on the other hand, it binds to pectin, it cannot be reabsorbed, so there will be less cholesterol in the blood. Regular consumption of foods containing a lot of pectin significantly lowers cholesterol levels.


Many people think these little energy bombs are unhealthy because of their high oil content. However, they do well if we include them in our diet at every opportunity. Avocados contain a lot of the fatty acid called oleic acid, which also appears in olive oil. Several studies have shown that it lowers bad LDL cholesterol and slightly increases good HDL cholesterol.


Sure, read well. Bananas also have a cholesterol-lowering effect. We recommend its consumption in moderation, especially for those who may suffer from diabetes, as its sugar content is quite high. Thanks to the sterol content of the banana, it lowers cholesterol levels. Sterols are fatty substances with a structure similar to cholesterol, which inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, and therefore the level of cholesterol in the blood will be lower over time.


Eating fish can lower our cholesterol levels in two ways: if we replace fatty meats with fish, LDL intake decreases, and by eating fish, the body gets more Omega-3 fatty acids, which also contributes to lowering cholesterol levels. In addition, we can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases if we regularly eat fish.


Small pumpkin seeds are a great snack between meals, they are high in protein, low in calories, but full of valuable nutrients. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of beta-sitosterol: this compound is also mixed with much-advertised cholesterol-lowering drinks. Beta-sitosterol is useful because it inhibits the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine, the process of which has already been analyzed in numerous clinical studies. Eat raw, preferably without roasting.


Ginger can reduce harmful cholesterol levels according to a 2014 study. For this, you can consume it in its natural form, but also as an equally effective dietary supplement.


Wholegrain cereals not only reduce cholesterol levels, but are also effective as a type of antidepressant. They contribute to the reduction of LDL levels by stimulating liver functions, i.e. helping the body's self-cleansing process. The beta-gluten found in oats prevents the absorption of cholesterol found in food and thus contributes to the reduction of LDL levels. If you want to maximize the cholesterol-lowering effect, add an apple or banana to your breakfast porridge and the effect will be guaranteed.


Regarding high cholesterol levels, it is rarely discussed what type of carbohydrates we consume. Mostly we only focus on fats. However, too many refined carbohydrates can raise our cholesterol levels nicely. White bread, white rice, and fast-absorbing simple carbohydrates release sugars quickly because they are low in fiber and don't require much effort from the digestive system to release the sugars. Because of this, our blood sugar level can rise significantly. A significant part of the surplus goes into our cells as a source of energy. However, the cells cannot absorb all the sugar at the same time, so the excess goes to the liver, where it turns into triglycerides, a fat that can be stored as an energy source for times of scarcity and when it enters the blood circulation, the level of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) rises.

But we have good news!

If we switch to carbohydrates made from more grains or "low and slow" type carbohydrates, we can already achieve a huge positive effect. These are e.g. D-life's low- and slow-absorbing noodles also contain much more fiber than average and have a higher protein content, so they take longer to digest. Because of this, it takes much longer for their sugars to be released, so they do not raise our blood sugar level and thus our cholesterol level either.
