2021 November 20 3 min read

The following lists of foods of special importance can be used by the reader to identify foods rich in vitamins and minerals that are especially valuable for people with diabetes. If you include such foods in your diet, you can be sure that vital nutrients will be abundantly available to you.

Especially important foods that are rich in vitamins

Vitamin A

  • Diabetic patients easily catch various infections. Vitamin A supports the glands that help protect us from infection.
  • VITAMIN A is mostly found in vegetables and fruits, especially carrots, green vegetables and tomatoes. It is also found in fish, liver and lean meats.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine, thiamine chloride)

  • It is found in wheat germ, brown rice, wheat bran, brewer's yeast, whole grains, seeds, nuts and other nuts, legumes, milk and dairy products, green leafy vegetables and potatoes.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

  • Increases insulin production.
  • It is found in brewer's yeast, milk, cheese, liver, wheat germ, almonds, sunflower seeds and leafy greens.

Vitamin B3 (niacin, nicotinic acid, nicotinamide)

  • Insulin-dependent diabetics have an extraordinary need for vitamin B3, the value of which lies in the fact that it reduces insulin sensitivity at a young age, and also prevents sudden fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
  • Vitamin B3 can be found in brewer's yeast, trifles, wheat germ, peanuts, peas, royal jelly, wholemeal bread and cereal grains, green vegetables, legumes, and egg yolks.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

  • Found in brewer's yeast, bananas, avocados, wheat germ, wheat bran, milk, egg yolks, offal, liver, peanuts, walnuts, green vegetables, green peppers, carrots, and pecans. Vitamin B6 can be found in larger quantities in raw foods, as the amount of vitamin B6 decreases significantly during cooking.


  • It is found in lecithin, which is made from soybeans. Brewer's yeast, egg yolks, fish, soybeans, cheese, sunflower seeds, black evening primrose leaves, seaweed, bananas, peanuts, wheat germ and liver also contain choline.


  • It is found in lecithin, brewer's yeast, brain, heart, wheat germ, brown rice, stone fruits, molasses, oatmeal, oatmeal, milk and citrus fruits.
  • Choline and inositol (lecithin) are often discussed together, since they both play an important role in the breakdown of fats, and they also combine to form lecithin. If the liver becomes enlarged and fatty in diabetics, part of it is due to the loss of these two vitamins through the urine. The main role of lecithin is to maintain cholesterol levels.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency can raise blood sugar levels. Vitamin B12, when prescribed together with lecithin, usually helps the fatty liver and promotes the breakdown of fats.
  • It is found in meat (mainly liver), brewer's yeast, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, sunflower seeds, black evening primrose leaf, seaweed, bananas, peanuts and wheat germ.

Folic acid (vitamin B9)

  • It is found in all kinds of green leaves, liver, brewer's yeast, mushrooms, nuts and wheat germ

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

  • It is found in citrus fruits and all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially rosehips, wild cherries, blackcurrants, peppers and tomatoes.

Vitamin E (tocaferol)

  • It can be found in wheat germ oil, seeds, nuts, cereals, cabbage, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, whole wheat, brown rice, oats, peanuts.

Especially important foods that are rich in minerals


  • Chromium plays an important role in maintaining effective insulin-glucose balance. Animal studies have shown that certain types of rats develop diabetes when their diets are deficient in chromium.
  • It is found in brewer's yeast, naturally hard water, wheat germ, cereals, liver, black pepper, beef and beer.


  • According to written documents, the blood of diabetics has 50 percent less manganese than that of healthy people. This important trace element is essential for insulin production.
  • It is found in leafy greens, legumes, whole grains, nuts, oranges, grapefruit, bran, egg yolks, and seaweed or large brown algae.


  • It is found in nuts, soybeans, green vegetables, figs, apples, lemons, peaches, almonds, whole grains, sunflower seeds, brown rice and sesame seeds.


  • It can be found in all vegetables, especially those with green leaves. In addition, foods containing potassium include oranges, whole grain products, sunflower seeds, nuts, dairy products, potatoes and bananas.


  • Zinc is part of the insulin structure. It is believed to influence the secretion of several other hormones. Lack of zinc affects circulation, which can cause cold hands and feet.
  • It is found in wheat germ, brewer's yeast, meat, fish, seeds, milk, whole grains, nuts, legumes, mushrooms, carrots, herring, oysters, liver, sunflower seeds, eggs and red onions.