2021 March 25 4 min read

There are certainly vitamins and minerals that specifically help with carbohydrate metabolism or the treatment of diabetes complications, so it is worth paying attention to their intake if you have insulin resistance or diabetes.

However, it is important to clarify that both diabetes and insulin resistance develop during a multifactorial process, in which vitamin or mineral deficiency does not play a role at all, but rather genetic factors, an incorrect, sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits consequence. However, there are vitamins and minerals, the intake of which can help a lot in the recovery of our already developed disease.

Let's see what vitamins and minerals are worth paying attention to in case of diabetes or insulin resistance.


Diabetes can easily catch various infections. VITAMIN A supports the glands that help us protect against infections. These glands include the thyroid, thymus, and adrenal glands, which play a role in lowering blood cholesterol levels and maintaining healthy eye function, making them extremely valuable for diabetics.


Type II diabetics typically have lower levels of vitamin C than healthy people. Vitamin C lowers fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels, thereby lowering HbA1c. Therefore, it would be worthwhile to always consume 1 glass of lemon water in the morning or replace it as a food supplement.


Vitamin B3 helps maintain beta cell function in type I diabetes. One of the components of GTF (glucose tolerance factor), which is the biologically active form of chromium, increases its effectiveness three times when linked to insulin. By the way, this is fermented from yeasts with the addition of chromium. Vitamin B3 prevents sudden fluctuations in blood sugar levels.


Biotin promotes the secretion of insulin caused by glucose in the beta cells, and when used in high doses, improves sugar balance.


Vitamin B12 plays a role in the metabolism of protein and nitrogen-containing compounds and in the normal formation of red blood cells. This is thus not closely related to carbohydrate metabolism, but vitamin B12 deficiency may occur in type 2 diabetes patients treated with metformin, because metformin can deplete vitamin B12 stores. B12 deficiency can raise blood sugar levels. That is why it is worth paying attention to its replacement.


These B vitamins play an important role in the breakdown of fats, they are also linked together to create lecithin. If the liver becomes enlarged and fatty in diabetics, this is partly due to the increased excretion of these two vitamins in the urine. The main role of lecithin is to maintain the cholesterol level and help in the absorption and transport of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.


Vitamin D deficiency hinders proper glucose metabolism by inhibiting insulin secretion. Its replacement is important, as it also protects the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. And indeed, the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas are very tired for those who are diabetic or insulin-resistant.As a result of vitamin D, blood sugar values ​​are regulated and the concentration of substances in the blood associated with inflammatory processes, which indicate an increased risk of vascular diseases such as heart attack or stroke, decreases


For diabetics, taking vitamin E is like taking out insurance for one of their most important assets. Vitamin E protects beta cells from damage caused by oxidative stress and can prevent the deterioration of type 1 diabetes.


According to the latest research findings, chromium is a vital component of insulin sensitivity. It plays an important role in maintaining effective insulin-glucose balance. Chromium promotes the binding of insulin to the cells, thus the entry of glucose into the cells. Its deficiency can cause insulin resistance, it can improve the sugar balance of type II diabetics.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is also known as ubiquinone, which is a fat-soluble vitamin-like substance. It protects the kidneys from damage caused by diabetes and improves sugar balance in type 2 diabetics.


Zinc is necessary for the synthesis, storage and release of insulin, protects beta cells from damage and suppresses the function of genes that promote the development of diabetes.


The lack of magnesium reduces insulin sensitivity and aggravates the condition of leg ulcers that may have already developed. Magnesium deficiency plays a role in liver diseases, diabetic ketosis and arteriosclerosis, and has been proven to be related to diabetic retinopathy (a non-inflammatory disease of the retina). Magnesium affects 9 types of enzymes that are involved in breaking down sugar.


When the body loses fluid, it also loses potassium. Diuretic drugs, vomiting and diarrhea also increase potassium deficiency. Diabetes does the same. Magnesium and Potassium are related. Magnesium deficiency is often associated with potassium deficiency. Potassium has an effect on blood sugar levels. Even in case of stress, the body loses potassium, in addition, increased sodium intake (ie salt consumption) reduces the amount of available potassium. Potassium is found in large quantities in green leafy vegetables, which can be safely consumed by diabetics.


Glutamine increases the secretion of the hormone GLP-1, i.e. glucagon-like peptide 1, which controls the secretion of insulin after meals, enhances insulin-related signaling and insulin sensitivity. Glutamine is an essential amino acid, so the body can basically produce it for itself, but only if the conditions are right. If a person experiences serious stress, infection or injury, the conditions will no longer be given, so it must be replaced from an external source.
